General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS)

The qualified candidate will support the Security Assistance Management Director through active involvement in administering the total budget program utilizing the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS), Logistics Modernization Program (LMP), Standard Operation and Maintenance Army Research and Development System (SOMARDS) as a legacy research tool to track the commitment, obligation, and disbursement of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case obligation authority. The qualified candidate will also utilize information from the Defense Integrated Financial System (DIFS) and the Program Budget Automated System (PBAS) to: Track and verify FMS case line values for monthly reporting, provide evaluation of programmed distribution of available funds against mission and workload objectives, analyze trends in fund utilization, and prepare status reports, and develop recommended reprogramming of funds to ensure that balance is maintained. Assist Management Director with: ensuring the distribution of funds received from higher headquarters is in accordance with approved programs, ensuring appropriate financial management procedures are followed, preparation of budget briefings, providing guidance to other Budget Analysts in their offices compilation, budget administration and planning. Interpret budget policies, directives, and regulations received from higher headquarters, and publish local implementing directives. Identify actual or potential funding problems and recommends policies for solving them. Provide both manual and automated portions of budget reporting requirements.

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